About Us
In 1987, the founders of the Friends of the Treutmann Organ set their sights on the fundamental and original restoration of the organ. After completion of the successful restoration, we are committed to the preservation of one of the most important organs of the Bach era.
We organize concerts with renowned national and international organists and ensembles. The Grauhofer Orgelsommer is a popular destination for many organ friends and music lovers nationwide.

Chairmen of the Friend's Association

Dr. Jürgen Biermann

Martin Hofmann
If you would like to join us, we would be happy to welcome you as a new member of our support association.
The membership fee is 24 € per year.
Your donation
We would be very pleased about your support of our work in the form of a donation.
A donation receipt will be sent upon request.
Verein der Förderer der Treutmann-Orgel von 1737 in der Stiftskirche Grauhof e.V.
Sparkasse Hildesheim Goslar Peine
IBAN: DE52 2595 0130 0030 0000 12
We look forward to your suggestions and comments on the Treutmann organ and the Grauhof Organ Summer.